Your 10-Step Guide to the Art of Decluttering

How to Declutter Without Getting Overwhelmed

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Deciding to declutter with intention goes beyond tidying up—it's a transformative experience in where your thoughtful choices can make a powerful impact to your home life.

Whether your goal is to simplify your life, create a more harmonious home, or how to create a serene living environment, the following ten steps are meant to motivate you along the way.

It's important to remain open to the idea that you don’t necessarily need a bigger home or the latest trendy furnishings to love where you live.

In fact, truly loving your home begins with understanding how you currently live in it and envisioning how you want to live in the future.

This reflection not only mentally prepares you but also motivates you to make small changes that will positively impact your well-being and enhance your home life.



How to Declutter Your Home:

Find Your Why

Find your why to declutter your home

Find Your "Why"

Your "why" serves as your guide that keeps you on track, providing purpose and motivation throughout the entire process.

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Begin your intentional decluttering journey by uncovering the deep-rooted reasons behind your reason to wanting to make a change in your home.

Your "why" serves as your guide that keeps you on track, providing purpose and motivation throughout the entire process.

Your "why" is a powerful motivator.

It could be a desire for a more relaxing home or wanting to reclaim control over your space.

This first step forms the beginning of your decluttering process, guiding decisions about what to keep and what to part with, and thoughtfully shaping your space to align with your personal vision.

Discovering your "why" isn't just important for your mental and emotional well-being, it sets the tone for the entire decluttering journey, ensuring each choice contributes to the creation of a happier and more holistic home.



How to Declutter Without Getting Overwhelmed

room by room approach to declutter your home

Room-by-Room Approach

What items do you genuinely love? What adds significant value to your space, and What's taking up space in your life?

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The biggest challenge when decluttering is approaching it without getting overwhelmed.

One way to do this is to take a holistic approach. By choosing to declutter, you’re not only organizing your physical space but also choosing to create a more harmonious and peaceful environment for both yourself and your family.

Start with one room you feel needs the most attention, whether it's your bedroom, busy living room, or occasionally chaotic home office.

Identify clutter zones, such as overflowing closets, packed countertops, or the infamous “everything” drawer.

Once you've pinpointed these zones, strategize your game plan.

Create a playlist because there is nothing more motivating than some happy tunes in the background and give yourself time for each room.

Whether it's doing it over the weekend or a bit of daily decluttering to prevent feeling overwhelmed.

As you dive into the process, reflect on your belongings.

  • What items do you genuinely love?

  • What adds significant value to your home?

  • What's taking up space in your life?

Through this process, items may find new purpose, become donations, or discover new homes through a sale.

The Purpose?

Your home becomes and starts feeling lighter and cleaner. This transformative journey is about nurturing not just a tidy space but one that promotes mental health and happiness.



How to Declutter Like a Minimalist

the four box rule to declutter your home

The Four-Box Rule

No more feeling indecisive about what to keep or what to toss.

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Imagine this: you have four boxes or bins, each assigned a unique purpose— "Keep," "Donate," "Toss," and "Maybe."

This approach transforms the sometimes overwhelming decluttering process into a realistic plan.

No more feeling indecisive about what to keep or what to toss.

Instead, it streamlines the organization of your belongings, eliminating the uncertainty about what to do with your items.

Say goodbye to indecisiveness.

With the Four-Box Rule, you're now decluttering like a minimalist.

Asking yourself questions like "Will I really use this?" or "Do I feel confident in this?"

Each item receives the attention it deserves.

Consider this method your key to decluttering with intention.

It empowers you to prioritize what truly matters and what's prepared for a new chapter.

And the cherry on top?

It steers you towards a more intentional and personalized living space.

While assessing your belongings, a clearer picture emerges of what you envision for your space—how it should look and feel.



How to Declutter and Organize Your Home

How to Declutter and Organize Your Home

Label and Categorize

Think of how you see a department store organized. Life becomes inspirational and so much easier when your items are neatly organized.

Image | 86lemons

Alright, so you've conquered the decluttering phase, and now it's time for the next step—transforming your space into an organized home.

And here's an insight: it all revolves around the art of labeling and categorizing.

You don’t really need to go insane with the label maker but it is an option if you like to organize your kitchen and bathroom since those are the two places that have the most items we store things in.

So, first things first, get yourself a label maker or adhesive labels. Then, let the labeling begin. Stick labels on your storage containers, shelves, or drawers detailing the contents of each container.

The point of this? Knowing exactly where everything lives.

But here’s the real transformation: organizing.

How to Organize the Kitchen

You can organize your kitchen by sorting your cooking utensils, baking supplies, and pantry goodies into distinct categories.

The pantry is one of the areas that can easily get messy. I mean there are different sizes of packaging making it hard to neatly store and organize. A way to keep order is by removing the contents of your pantry items putting them into storage containers and organizing them.

This not only keeps your pantry looking neat and organized but it also prevents you from buying too much and keeping track of what you have.

Bathroom organization

Image | Pinterest

Image | Pinterest

How to Organize Your Bathroom

Organizing the bathroom can be overwhelming if you don’t intentionally categorize your items in a way that’s easy to find and store.

A way to enhance your bathroom is by seeing how much space you have and how to categorize them in groupings.

If you have a medicine cabinet, try to keep all the items you use on a daily. Think toothbrush, creams, sunscreen etc. Inside your drawers, you can either get wooden boxes, dividers, or small bowls to separate and categorize your things.

My tip: I like to go thrift shopping for wooden bowls or trays to serve as compartmentalizers to store my hair accessories and skincare.

You can organize your cotton balls, and Q-tips inside a nice decorative jar where it’s accessible and easy to find. Try to keep your bathroom counter free of clutter keep a nice tray and display your favorites in a way that’s inspirational to look at but also has a purpose.

My Tip: Toss any expired skincare and makeup that you’ve had longer than a year or that you don’t use.

Image | Shiragill

How to Organize Your Bedroom Closet

You can organize your bedroom closet by sorting clothes into categories like tops (shirts, blouses, long sleeves, short sleeves), then organize them by color palette.

Your bottoms (pants, shorts, skirts) can be folded and stored neatly on your top shelf or hung on a hanger.

Your accessories like (hats, belts, and shoes), can be categorized by colors and how big or small it is. You can store your accessories in a basket, inside a box, or hung. This all depends on the space of your closet.

My Tip: is to get hangers that are the same for a streamlined look. You can get the velvet-like hangers for a smaller closet or the wooden hangers for an elevated, designer look and feel. (Skip on the plastic hangers or mismatched ones)

To get some inspiration, think of how you see a department store organized.

Doesn’t it make you feel a type of way seeing how everything is color-coordinated and categorized?

Well, that’s the idea. Life becomes inspirational and so much easier when your items are neatly organized.

Everything is in its dedicated place, and you can go through your day effortlessly because your belongings are harmoniously arranged and categorized.

This is an affordable and realistic way to elevate your home's organization to the next level, turning it into not just a functional space but a beautifully stylish one.



How to Declutter When You are Sentimental

Declutter Sentimentally

Declutter Sentimentally

We all possess those items that gently tug at the strings of our hearts—the ones that serve as reminders of cherished memories.

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This is the hard part. How can you declutter your sentimental possessions?

We all have those items that tug gently at our heartstrings—the ones that serve as reminders of cherished memories.

Sorting through them might seem intimidating, but it's an important step in creating a space that's not only intentional and organized but also pays homage to the things that hold profound significance.

But there's a catch.

Be realistic and intentional about what you decide to keep and what you decide to get rid of.

When we decide to keep an item from a loved one who has passed, we think that by keeping their items, we are respecting them and keeping their memory alive.

But in reality, we are just holding on to things.

Their memory is not in an item that was once theirs. We keep people’s memories alive through our memories, photographs, and our hearts.

So, why do we get attached to possessions?

Our attachment to possessions stems from the emotional connections and memories associated with them. These items often serve as tangible reminders of our loved ones, evoking feelings of comfort and nostalgia.

However, it's essential to recognize that the essence of our loved ones lives within us, not in their belongings.

By understanding this, we can learn to cherish the memories and let go of the physical items, focusing instead on the lasting impact they had on our lives.

This shift in perspective allows us to honor their memory more meaningfully while freeing ourselves from the burden of unnecessary possessions.

If something doesn't truly spark joy or enhance your life, it might be time to find other ways to honor that precious memory. Yes, even those photos and letters from past lovers.



How Minimalism Helps to Declutter

Embrace Minimalism

It's more than just sleek design and keeping tidy spaces – it's a lifestyle choice that simplifies both our physical surroundings and our minds.

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Can we chat about minimalism?

This is my favorite topic of them all. It's more than just sleek design and keeping tidy spaces – it's a lifestyle choice that simplifies both our physical surroundings and our minds.

Embracing minimalism turns us into mindful creators of our lives.

We develop an appreciation for what genuinely makes us happy and we learn to let go of the unnecessary things that don’t add value to our lives.

The result?

A space filled with calm and simplicity, freeing us from the weight of too many things and the never-ending chase for more.

But here's the thing: the beauty of minimalism goes beyond aesthetics.

It gently nudges us towards mindful living, shifting our focus from material possessions to meaningful experiences.

This philosophy not only shapes a less overwhelming home but also nurtures a mind to calmness improving our well-being. It encourages us to live in the present moment, forming deep connections with ourselves and those we cherish.

Now, I won't sugarcoat it – transitioning into minimalism may feel a bit overwhelming, especially if you find it hard to let go of things.

Yet, the rewards on the other side are worth the effort and lifestyle shift.



How to Decide What to Declutter

one in one out rule for decluttering

One-In, One-Out Rule

Conscious consumption.

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If you find it hard to decide what to declutter, you can rely on the One-In, One-Out Rule.

For the last couple of years, I've been sticking to this rule, and it’s been life-changing!

It's a simple yet powerful concept: for every new item you bring into your space, you let go of an existing one that you don’t use or that doesn’t serve a purpose.

This rule helps you work against clutter, ensuring that your space remains organized and clean while preventing hoarding tendencies.

But here's the thing—it requires intentionality and discipline.

Before hitting that "buy now" button, take a moment to question your potential purchase.

Does it align with your vision for your home?

Does it truly add value to your life?

If the answer is yes, go ahead and bring it in—but with a twist.

Say goodbye to a possession of equal size and function!

By carefully evaluating the purpose, quality, and necessity of each item, you create a home that authentically reflects your unique style and values.

Personally, I like to ask myself if a new item fulfills a genuine need or if it's just a fleeting desire spurred by a tempting sale. If it's the latter, I consider what I can let go of to make room for the new addition.

So, the next time you're tempted by a shiny, new purchase, remember the One-In, One-Out Rule. Trust me, it's a game-changer!



How to Declutter Digitally

Digital Declutter for decluttering your home

Digital Declutter

Reduce digital overwhelm and increase your presence in daily life.

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Navigating the digital era exposes us to clutter not only in our physical spaces but also within the digital realm. The surplus of files, apps, and notifications can divert our focus from what genuinely matters. In comes, integrating a digital declutter into your intentional decluttering journey becomes indispensable for cultivating a harmonious home.

Begin by purging your computer and smartphone of unnecessary files and apps. This not only liberates valuable storage space but also enhances your ability to pinpoint what holds significance.

Then, try to organize the remaining files and apps. Establish folders and subfolders, imparting a logical structure that ensures easy access and navigation, preventing you from digital overwhelm.

Let's address the matter of notifications. It's time to gain control. Disable those pings and dings that contribute little to your objectives, allowing only the essential ones to command your attention.

By taking this step, you can reduce digital noise, minimize distractions, and regain a greater sense of presence in your daily life.

Embracing this approach paves the way for enhanced efficiency, mental clarity, and emotional well-being in the digital realm.



How to Declutter Effectively

Power of repetition to declutter your home

The Power of Repetition

By consistently engaging in decluttering and organizing routines, we cultivate positive habits that infuse our lives with a sense of order and calm.

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Repetition is what’s going to help you declutter effectively, a quiet yet powerful force that shapes a home filled with joy and harmony.

By consistently engaging in decluttering and organizing routines, we cultivate positive habits that infuse our lives with a sense of order and calm. This commitment acts as a shield against the overwhelm, ensuring that clutter doesn't sneak back into our lives when our attention wavers.

Regular decluttering and organizing sessions serve as our proactive lifestyle choice, preventing any relapse into old habits of accumulating stuff that leads to chaos.

With each repetition, the decluttering process unfolds more seamlessly, making it increasingly manageable. This sense of empowerment extends to tackling larger projects or maintaining the hard-won organization we've patiently established.

But the beauty of repetition goes beyond its immediate benefits. It provides a lasting advantage in the art of intentional decluttering, motivating us to persist in this journey.

Through repeated cycles, we effortlessly integrate decluttering and organizing into our daily routines, making it second nature. These learned habits are like the maintenance of a clutter-free and mindful living space.


STEP 10:

How To Celebrate Your Decluttering Journey

celebrate your success to declutter your home

Celebrate Your Wins

Let that sense of accomplishment wash over you. Take in the pure joy and satisfaction of achieving a clutter-free and intentional living space.

After dedicating time and effort to intentional decluttering, it's pivotal to pause and celebrate the sweet rewards of your hard work.

Transforming your living space into an intentional and happy home is no small endeavor —you've earned a well-deserved pat on the back or a treat!

So, take a breather and soak it all in.

Stand right in the middle of your freshly organized and decluttered space.

Notice how clean, tidy, and serene everything feels now.

Let that sense of accomplishment wash over you. Take in the pure joy and satisfaction of achieving a clutter-free and intentional living space.

But hey, why stop there?

Treat yourself, my friend! You deserve it.

Whether it's a lush plant, a funky piece of art, a cozy blanket, or a candle that adds a little extra oomph to your space, go ahead and indulge in something that brings you happiness and adds to your style.

Now, here's the fun part: share your success with others!

Invite your friends or family over to check out your newly organized home, or post some before-and-after pics on social media to inspire your fellow decluttering enthusiasts.

Celebrating your wins with others not only reinforces your achievements but also builds a positive and supportive community around you.

And let's take a second to reflect on how intentional decluttering has been a game-changer for your mental and emotional well-being.

Feel that newfound calm and ease?

Notice how much more productive you've become, and how stress levels have taken a nosedive.

Intentional decluttering is seriously life-changing stuff!

A little note to empower you: this new habit is just starting. While you're celebrating your wins, let that feeling serve as a little reminder to keep pushing forward.


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