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Embracing Holistic Design: Mindfulness and Feng Shui

Have you ever walked into a room and instantly felt at peace?

Or maybe you've experienced the opposite – a space that just felt "off" somehow?

Well, you're not alone, and there's more to it than meets the eye.

The internet is full of inspiration and amazing individuals who can instill new perspectives or topics you resonate with.

When the algorithm introduced me to Brittany Wasstrom from Intuitive Home, I was instantly drawn to her approach to holistic interiors and the connection to energetics. We would go back and forth in the DM’s and would comment on each other’s posts, praising the message behind each story we shared.

Next thing you know we’re on a Zoom coffee chat, talking about interiors and how our journey has inspired something beyond just beautiful homes. Forget about just picking pretty colors and home décor – we're talking about a whole new level of creating spaces that nurture your soul.

Picture this: A five-year-old collecting rocks, feeling a deep connection to nature without really understanding why. Fast forward to a mind-blowing spiritual awakening that cracks open a whole new world of possibilities.

Sounds like the start of a movie, right?

But this is her real-life journey where she merged the ancient wisdom of Feng Shui with modern mindfulness practices.

Get ready to discover how your home might be affecting you in ways you've never imagined. We'll explore how childhood experiences shape our adult needs, why that crystal on your shelf might be doing more than just looking pretty, and how the simple act of decluttering could be the first step in transforming your life.

Whether you're a design enthusiast, a wellness seeker, or just someone who wants to feel a little more "at home" in your space, this conversation is for you.

So, grab a cozy seat (maybe rearrange it for better energy flow first!), and let's dive into the fascinating world where interior design meets inner peace.

Trust me, you'll definitely want to take some of her tips to heart as you start making changes in your own home!

Image | Brittany Wasstrom

AR: I have to say, your journey into holistic design is absolutely fascinating. Could you walk us through how your interests grew and changed over time, leading you to your current passion? I'd love to hear more about that evolution.

BW: I would say it all started at a young age, without knowing the benefits or details of what I was enjoying, I started collecting rocks around the age of 5- maybe earlier.

I was always interested in nature and the way I felt afterwards being in it.

In 2016, I was presented with my first spiritual awakening, I like to describe it as an egg being cracked open and it presented every aspect of my life that needed to start being healed.

I truly believe that was the start of the Ancestral family lineage healing that needed to take place. I was already slowly incorporating smudging, and I was already working with crystals, I had a passion for Interior Decorating as well, so it was a natural, organic development. I originally moved to Kelowna in 2012 to pursue a Fashion Career but pivoted into Interior Decorating.

Similar in a lot of ways, but also different in some ways.

I have always been very hands-on, I love creating and working with my hands. Through this experience, I also came up with my Business name, Business mission, and offerings- through meditation.

As I started to go deeper into my healing journey I started seeing a pattern within myself and realized how much our environments affect us daily.

I decided to take my personal life and how my childhood growing up was shaping my now adulthood life and use it as my thesis. This is when I started to hone in on what I needed now that my child self didn't receive it then.

With this information, I started to create an environment within my home that supported me and all versions that needed that support.

My home is very calming, relaxing, simple, decluttered and bright.

I have crystals placed intentionally throughout, I burn Palo Santo often, I love to be surrounded by neutral colors as it calms my nervous system and I make sure to surround myself with plants and natural light to purify the air and balance the energy.

Everything I surround myself with has a purpose and meaning to it.

I knew that I needed to incorporate this aspect into how I approach design because It was helping me and I knew it could help others.

In regards to Feng shui, I recently started to dive more and more into it, as it ties all of my offerings together and supplies my clients with a grid to create the environment they need while being hands-on.

Image | Brittany Wasstrom

AR: Isn’t that the best of outcomes when it just clicks? It's actually one of the main reasons I really connect with your story – especially that part about pivoting and creating something that truly aligns with how you live your life. I like how you’ve discovered how mindful practices in your life can help clients you work with. I'd love to explore more about how you integrate Feng Shui into your design process. Could you walk us through your approach in more detail? For instance, how do you assess a space initially, and what are some key elements you focus on?

BW: Questions like:

How do you want to feel within your home?

What is important to you, to have in your home?

Is there anything you don't like/love?

What are your favorite colors/shapes?

Depending on the client and project, some clients want to focus on the 3-hour in-home Feng Shui consultation only, and some clients would like to incorporate it into the full furnishing/decorating projects.

Mindfulness plays a part in every aspect of my design process.

Starting with myself first, meditating before I meet a new client, and cleansing my aura.

I never want my day-to-day challenges or energy to affect a project.

I am mindful of what we put into a client’s home, as everything impacts us in some shape or form.

I am mindful of what could be reused or repurposed, depending on the client’s budget, we will make sure to always keep you within that $.

We are mindful of your journey and the story we are creating and bringing to life, which is yours!

It's like a delicate flower that we are slowly peeling back.

Image | Intuitive Home

AR: That’s so true! Starting with yourself first, to be in the right mindset and energy to work with your client is such a good reminder. Since this might be a new concept for people you work with, have you encountered some skepticism about Feng Shui. What are some common misconceptions you've noticed, and how do you make your client be open to this new way of mindfulness at home?

BW: Since I have only recently started to dive into Feng Shui in the past year I haven't come across any specific situations, but I would say like with anything you have to have a belief behind the practice that you are incorporating as a ritual into your life.

There might be people who struggle to believe that certain objects/numbers bring good luck or guide us along our journey.

There also might be certain people who struggle to understand how our homes and what we surround ourselves with, how affect us.

I think everyone is on their life path and journey and if this is meant to be guided into yours, then we will align and meet.

I am always open to learning and sharing my experiences, in hopes that I can make a small impact on whoever it needs to.

AR: Oh, absolutely! You know, that's really the heart of what we do. It's all about uncovering our inner beauty and bringing it to life in our homes. And let me tell you, it's the journey that makes it so special. Speaking of special projects, I noticed that Joshua Tree Airbnb on your Instagram - it looks incredible! I'd love to hear more about how you wove mindfulness into that space and what kind of impact it had. Can you share about that experience?

BW: Memorable!

A vision board check-off-the-list project!

A Joshua Tree Airbnb project that I was recently a part of with another designer in California. We have become very good friends and she invited me to help her with this project. It was a dream project of mine and we approached design in the same way, so it was a natural process for both of us.

We got the opportunity to style and organize the Airbnb, we also made sure to incorporate Feng Shui into the space by making sure that the layout and spaces reflected each GUA on the Feng Shui Bagua Map.

We had crystals in each room that reflected that space and we made sure to Cleanse the space afterwards as well. Each room included the Earth Elements that paired with the GUA which helped balance the home as a whole.

You can see the final results on my Instagram Feed.

Image | Intuitive Home

AR: What an amazing opportunity! I’m happy to hear that it was a bucket list experience. And with that come the uniqueness of creating a space for each of your clients. How do you navigate and ensure your designs reflect each client's personality and lifestyle?

BW: As I mentioned above, I am here as a guide to help create and bring the client’s vision and story to life.

So, in doing so I ask questions that dive deep into who they are and what they are wanting to feel more of within their environment. Each project is completely customized to that individual. From their budget to their style.

We are looking at all of the small, tangible details that may seem like they aren't creating an impact, but they have the biggest impact.

Décor, colors, fabrics, shapes, personal décor, furniture, patterns, and textures- they all play part in what story and energy we are bringing to life.

To get even more detail, I look at which crystals we can incorporate, diffusers, plants, incense/essential oils, and books that will enhance that feeling.

Image | Intuitive Home

AR: I like that you also ask deeper meaningful questions to be able to see something beyond the surface. Balancing aesthetics with Feng Shui guidelines must be challenging. How do you create that harmony in your designs?

BW: Each Gua on the Feng Shui Bagua Map has a yin/yang energy, an Earth Element, colors that are best suited for that space, and different items that could be included to enhance that energy more.

Depending on the client’s style, I stay mindful of the specific Gua for that space, and if for example, the colors suggested for that Gua are not prominent in our overall design, I will most likely incorporate it into a crystal or make sure a book or piece of décor has a slight hint of it.

The overall design- the client’s vision and style will always be brought to life even with focusing on the Bagua Map.

We want each space to flow and feel seamless when walking through.

By balancing the yin/yang energies and earth elements we accomplish this!


We will use the Fire element for example.

Let's say a bedroom lands on a gua that is the Fire Element we would be looking at a pattern within the duvet cover or pillow pattern that brings in the fire element.

We could also look at adding a fireplace, warm color tones on the walls and lights can also represent fire.

Image | Intuitive Home

AR: For someone new to Feng Shui, where would you suggest they start in their own home?

BW: I am currently working on a Feng Shui: The Bagua Map Guide, so I recommend downloading this when I am finished!

First, I would sit down and understand how you want to feel within your everyday life, and in your home + the WHY.

This is the #1 thing we want to figure out before proceeding because it is the foundation for the rest of the work. Grab a journal and don't be afraid to dive deep into it!

In the meantime, I recommend looking up "The Bagua map" and starting by looking at how it aligns with your home.

Always start at your front door and map it out, you can also use the Bagua Map for each room within your home as well. Once you have mapped your home out with the Gua, I recommend looking at each space individually and determining what feels off, and what is currently incorporated from that GUA, and what is not.

AR: Can you share a success story where your mindful design approach made a significant difference for a client?

BW: Last year I got the privilege to work alongside a client who was moving from Ontario to Kelowna and starting from scratch.

We started and finished with a smudging session, which is complimentary with every new project. As the building was new and there had been trades in and out of the building leading up to the project completion, we wanted to make sure that she was in alignment with her home before and after returning to the space.

She made it known that she wanted to feel immersed in nature, but inside. She also had a lot of beautiful antique furniture that she wanted to incorporate, so I had to be mindful of the way how I blended her pieces with the modern townhouse, which we succeeded at.

I ended up choosing a rug that reminded her of the ocean, we added a wood mantle onto the front facing of the fireplace to add more warmth and the earth element.

We added a glass-top coffee table to create a flow from the kitchen through the dining area to the living room and out to the patio- as it was all open concept.

We also added 2 large beautiful forest esc canvas' above the sofa which allowed her to feel as if she was in the forest. The antique cabinet in the dining room matched the wood that was brought into the living room and added lots of character to the home.

Every item added to her home had a purpose and story to tell. Each item, including furniture, was mindfully and intentionally thought out based on what she originally shared with me.

Image | Unsplash

AR: I’m with you on creating a space that a person can find inspiration in as well as contribute to their wellness. What are some simple changes people can make at home to enhance mindfulness and well-being?

BW: One thing that always shocks people is when I tell them to " Shop their own home", as humans in today’s society we are presented with A LOT of different new things that we feel like we need and then end up creating clutter and excess.

So, look at what you already have and try to change your perspective on how it can be used or placed. If this is something that feels overwhelming to you, have someone like myself come in and help with this part. I have a rule in my home, if I bring something new in, 1-2 items have to go!


  • I always suggest looking at your cleaning supplies, are they all natural ingredients? If not, swap it out!

  • Look at which essential oils align with you based on what you need at that moment and add a diffuser in your home or multiple!

  • Look at incorporating crystals and their energy benefits, also cleansing your home with Palo Santo/Sage.

  • Open your windows up, let the fresh air in, and open your blinds/curtains up. This helps with stimulating dopamine and creating more JOY

  • Add plants & air purifiers to cleanse the air in your home.

  • Look at your layout, make sure it flows seamlessly and that there are no objects obstructing the pathways.


Image | Unsplash

AR: Absolutely! Shopping your own home can reveal some hidden gems you might have forgotten about. Speaking of evolving, how do you see holistic design progressing in the future, especially in terms of sustainability and wellness?

BW: I see more and more people waking up to the idea of Spirituality in general and it's beautiful to see.

As I have mentioned, everyone is on their journey and whatever they are guided towards is meant for them. I find people are talking more and more about the way we live and how it impacts us greatly.

We need to be having more of these conversations!

I see this approach and Holistic Design evolving greatly, it's so IMPORTANT. People are starting to be more mindful and intentional with everything they do daily and this is just one small "ritual" to add in.

Small things like removing all toxic chemical products from your home. Looking at the energy inside your home, cleansing it, what are you surrounding yourself with?

I'm excited to see where it goes and how it expands!

I will say, be open minded, as it's a way of living and healing. It's reconnecting back to yourself and with your environment. Its allowing opportunities to enter. It's removing in order to receive new.

AR: I agree! Our homes are so personal that we forget how the state of our homes can impact our life internally and externally. Is there anything else you'd like to share about your services or approach to our readers?

BW: I offer services both virtually & in person ( excl. a few).

We like to cater to clients GLOBALLY as everyone deserves to reconnect!

As we wrap up this enlightening conversation, it’s clear that holistic design is more than just creating beautiful spaces and more about creating environments that nurture our well-being and reflect our true selves.

Brittany, has shown us how integrating Feng Shui principles and mindfulness can transform not only our homes but also our lives. From her early connection with nature to her journey of self-discovery and healing, it’s evident that every aspect of her work is infused with intention and purpose.

Whether it’s through thoughtful design choices or the careful placement of elements, she reminds us that our surroundings profoundly impact our energy and emotions.

For those looking to start their own holistic design journey, remember that it starts with understanding how you want to feel in your space. Embrace the process, be open to change, and don’t hesitate to seek guidance.

Every small step you take can lead to a more harmonious and fulfilling environment.

Thank you for joining us on this journey into the world of holistic design. We hope you feel inspired to create spaces that resonate with your inner beauty and support your unique story.

If you’re curious to learn more or want to connect with Intuitive Home, be sure to check out her offerings and follow her on social media for more insights and inspiration.